Welcome to My Inner Voice
This site began as an outlet for me to talk about my personal insights regarding my struggles with disordered eating. I created it in the hopes of inspiring and supporting anyone facing similar challenges. Now this blog has expanded into a safe haven that encompasses much of my creative writing, poetry, book reviews, essays, music, and more—all of which are home to my inner voice.
I also include the work of authors, poets, and writers who have greatly impacted me by exerting their own inner voices in efforts to change society. I hope you feel the passion, empathy, and love sewn through the fabrics of this site.
Hi! My name is Brinn.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
My Journey Through Recovery
Read about the transformative power of working through disordered eating, told through my experiences embracing a healthier relationship with food and my body. Hopefully my story can inspire others to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and recovery.